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- It is implied in the passage that in order to secure his release from jail, Osceola ........ .

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
- From the details given in the passage, we could describe the Seminole War as ......... .

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
-16. THE LOS ANGELES RIOT of 1992 Late in the afternoon of Wednesday, April 29, 1992, south-central Los Angeles erupted in rioting, looting, arson and killing. The immediate cause of the outburst was...

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
- It is made clear in the passage that the Los Angeles Riot was caused by ......... .

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
- The author emphasises that 20th-century America ......... .

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
-17. THE FOOD-POPULATION RELATION In 1798 the English economist Thomas Malthus published the first edition of his "Essay on the Principle of Population". In it he pointed out that population, when un...

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
-According to the passage, in China, ......... .

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
-One barrier mentioned in the passage to the effective establishment of birth control programs is ........ .

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
-18. CRIMEAN WAR The Crimean War was named after the Crimean peninsula, in what is now Ukraine, which was the main site of the war. The immediate cause of the war was a religious quarrel. In 1853 Cza...

YDS Soruları/YDS Okuma Soruları
- It is clearly stated in the passage that the cause of the Crimean War was ......... .