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Şifremi Unuttum                  Kayıt Yap

Arama -- for

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- I''m sure he ....... in your lecture. He ....... monarch butterflies for ten years now.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Although their carpets ....... primarily for mosques, sometimes, they ....... designs for https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/THE-PASSIVE---TEST-7284-4.html

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The board ....... that a takeover by a foreign company ....... at all costs.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- I am attending a presentation by Ford today, but I ....... whether I ....... a really formal suit or something more comhttps://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/THE-PASSIVE---TEST-7284-6.html

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- I wonder whether the electrical store ....... us tomorrow for the delivery of the freezer or not,

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
-I ....... about the famous poet Celin''s tragic personal life while I ....... information for https://www.sorukurdu.com/test-sorular/THE-PASSIVE---TEST-7284-14.html

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- According to archaeological records, chickens ....... for the first time in the cities of the Indus Valley in about 3000 BC.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- This is the fifth time I ....... a phone call for a hairdresser''s. I wonder if our number ....... by mistake in a hairdresser''s advertiseme...

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Every year, more than 200.000 acres of forest ....... in the USA by fires in a single summer.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Don''t forget us all as soon as you