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Şifremi Unuttum                  Kayıt Yap

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İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Molasses ....... as a by-product of sugar production. Several light and flavourful varieties ....... as table syrups.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Mark ....... to let us Know that they ....... for the party.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- If the direct sunlight ....... you, I can draw the blinds.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Microorganisms ....... into bacteria, protozoans, algae, fungi and viruses, and the study of each ....... a separate specialty within microbiology.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The city of Bremen, Germany, ....... into two sections: Altstadt and Neustadt. The two sections ....... by three bridges.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
By the end of the year, everybody who ....... unemployed for over two years ....... on a training scheme.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus, the point where the first movement ...,.., place, ....... the epicenter of an earthquake.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The Richter Magnitude Scale, which ....... upon the amount of energy released by the rock movements rather than upon surface damage, ....... earthquakes on a 1 to 10 scale.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Forms of bread ....... as food since prehistoric times. Probably, the first bread ....... from acorns or beechnuts.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Constantin Brancusi, who ....... by the French sculptor Rodin, ....... works in bronze, stone and wood.