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Şifremi Unuttum                  Kayıt Yap

Arama -- ingilizce

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- I've heard that Mr Benner is the toughest teacher for this course. You ....... to get another teacher, or you can't get a good mark.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- You ....... to bed early the night before an exam. A good night's sleep will do you more good than studying all night and then falling asleep in the exam.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Would you mind ....... your music so loudly? I'm trying to study.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The former president never ....... to the press, but this one is much more accessible.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Hurray! We ....... to school today because it is snowing so hard.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Wilber ....... smoking and eating meat after his heart attack, but he didn't and now he has had a second one.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- According to the weather report, it ...... tomorrow, and if it does, we ...... the hike I've been looking forward to.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- I know you have a lot of work to do, but it is your own fault; you .......everything until the last minute.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- I'd really rather ....... in Hawaii at the moment than stuck behind this desk all day.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- You ....... your plane ticket so far in advance because flights to Birmingham are never full.