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Şifremi Unuttum                  Kayıt Yap

Arama -- ingilizce

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The last two times I ....... the health club, I ....... for my membership card, but we had better take them with us today.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
-As might be expected from China''s huge area and variety of regional climates, most of the types of plants that ......... in the Northern Hemisphere ......... there, except for those varieties co...

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Mount Everest ......... as the highest point on the Earth until 1852, when the governmental Survey of India ........ the fact.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Alternatives to the ''right to trial by jury'' system ........ but all the ideas which ....... so far are unacceptable.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- People can now buy and sell shares over the Internet and it ...... that over 50 new millionaires ....... this year by ''ecommerce''.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Numerous expeditions, which ........ by various countries, ........ since the first successful climb of Mount Everest.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- Recently, a new vaccine against measles ....... .

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- The lounge carpet ....... after Ralph ........ some bleach on it.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- All the expenses of shipping your furniture ....... by the company, so you needn''t worry about that.

İngilizce/KPDS UDS Soruları
- From the 4th to the 18th of next month, contemporary glass and ceramics ....... at the Fenny Lodge Gallery.